Lambda Explained¶
Now I’ll go over my Lambda function found below:
Click here for my Lambda code!
import sys
import json
import logging
import rds_config
import pymysql
import time
rds_host = rds_config.db_endpoint
name = rds_config.db_username
password = rds_config.db_password
db_name = rds_config.db_name
port = 3306
logger = logging.getLogger()
conn = pymysql.connect(rds_host, user=name,
passwd=password, db=db_name, connect_timeout=5)
logger.error("ERROR: Unexpected error: Could not connect to MySql instance.")
sys.exit()"SUCCESS: Connection to RDS mysql instance succeeded")
def return_json(cur, identifier, name, exact, time):
results = cur.fetchall()
data = {}
if len(results) == 0:
data['error'] = "404: Results with the specified {} were not found.".format(identifier + " " + name)
return data
if len(results) > 100:
data['error'] = "413: Your query has returned " + str(len(results)) + " results (> 100). If you're searching a specific " + identifier + \
", use the parameter 'exact=True'. Otherwise, refine your search to return less results, or head here: to download mass HUC data."
return data
data['status'] = "200 OK"
data['hits'] = len(results)
data['time'] = str(time) + " ms."
data['search on'] = {"parameter": identifier, "exact": exact}
data['results'] = {}
if identifier == "HUC":
for elem in results:
data['results'][elem[0]] = {
"Region Name":elem[1],
"Bounding Box": elem[4],
"Convex Hull Polygon":elem[2],
"Visvalingam Polygon":elem[3],
"USGS Polygon": {
"Object URL": "{}.zip".format(elem[0]),
for elem in results:
data['results'][elem[1]] = {
"Bounding Box": elem[4],
"Convex Hull Polygon":elem[2],
"Visvalingam Polygon":elem[3],
"USGS Polygon": {
"Object URL": "{}.zip".format(elem[0]),
return data
def lambda_handler(event, context):
This function queries the HUC database for relavant results
with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Start a timer to measure query time.
start = time.time()
# Entered if the user queries by HUC
if "HUC" in event['body']:
if "exact" in event['body']:
# User queries an exact HUC
if event['body']['exact'].lower() == "true":
cur.execute("select * from huc_table where `HUC` = %s", event['body']['HUC'])
exact = True
# User queries partial HUC
cur.execute("select * from huc_table where `HUC` LIKE %s ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(HUC) ASC", event['body']['HUC'] + "%")
exact = False
# Default to "partial" case when user doesn't specific and "exact" value.
cur.execute("select * from huc_table where `HUC` LIKE %s ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(HUC) ASC", event['body']['HUC'] + "%")
exact = False
end = time.time()
return return_json(cur, "HUC", event['body']['HUC'], exact, round((end - start) * 1000, 3))
# Similar process for region
elif "region" in event['body']:
# Handle spaces in request
region = " ".join(event['body']['region'].split("%20"))
if "exact" in event['body']:
# User queries exact region
if event['body']['exact'].lower() == "true":
cur.execute("select * from fts_table where `Region` = %s", region)
exact = True
# User queries partial region match
cur.execute("select * from fts_table where `Region` LIKE %s ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(HUC) ASC", region + "%")
exact = False
cur.execute("select * from fts_table where `Region` LIKE %s ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(HUC) ASC", region + "%")
exact = False
end = time.time()
return return_json(cur, "region", region, exact, round((end - start) * 1000, 3))
# Return 400 error assuming path is incorrect.
data = {}
data['error'] = "400: The specified URL is invalid (does not exist)."
return data
This code can really be broken down into three main sections. First we have:
import sys
import json
import logging
import rds_config
import pymysql
import time
rds_host = rds_config.db_endpoint
name = rds_config.db_username
password = rds_config.db_password
db_name = rds_config.db_name
port = 3306
logger = logging.getLogger()
conn = pymysql.connect(rds_host, user=name,
passwd=password, db=db_name, connect_timeout=5)
logger.error("ERROR: Unexpected error: Could not connect to MySql instance.")
sys.exit()"SUCCESS: Connection to RDS mysql instance succeeded")
The rds_config lines gather information from the associated file uploaded to AWS. Then, outside of the lambda_handler() function, we connect to the database. This is so a new connection isn’t made every time the Lambda function is called. The success (or failure) is then logged.
The next section deals with accessing the HUC database we’ve uploaded previously. This can be seen below:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
This function queries the HUC database for relavant results
with conn.cursor() as cur:
# Start a timer to measure query time.
start = time.time()
# Entered if the user queries by HUC
if "HUC" in event['body']:
if "exact" in event['body']:
# User queries an exact HUC
if event['body']['exact'].lower() == "true":
cur.execute("select * from huc_table where `HUC` = %s", event['body']['HUC'])
exact = True
# User queries partial HUC
cur.execute("select * from huc_table where `HUC` LIKE %s ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(HUC) ASC", event['body']['HUC'] + "%")
exact = False
# Default to "partial" case when user doesn't specific and "exact" value.
cur.execute("select * from huc_table where `HUC` LIKE %s ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(HUC) ASC", event['body']['HUC'] + "%")
exact = False
end = time.time()
return return_json(cur, "HUC", event['body']['HUC'], exact, round((end - start) * 1000, 3))
# Similar process for region
elif "region" in event['body']:
# Handle spaces in request
region = " ".join(event['body']['region'].split("%20"))
if "exact" in event['body']:
# User queries exact region
if event['body']['exact'].lower() == "true":
cur.execute("select * from fts_table where `Region` = %s", region)
exact = True
# User queries partial region match
cur.execute("select * from fts_table where `Region` LIKE %s ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(HUC) ASC", region + "%")
exact = False
cur.execute("select * from fts_table where `Region` LIKE %s ORDER BY CHAR_LENGTH(HUC) ASC", region + "%")
exact = False
end = time.time()
return return_json(cur, "region", region, exact, round((end - start) * 1000, 3))
# Return 400 error assuming path is incorrect.
data = {}
data['error'] = "400: The specified URL is invalid (does not exist)."
return data
This is where pretty much all of the logic is. The Lambda function takes in an event passed in each time the Lambda is called. This event is precisely was is returned from the API Gateway or from our test cases. Thus, an example of this could be:
"body": {
"exact": "True",
"region": "Woods Creek-Skykomish River"
Following the code above, you can see that I’m branching into these if/else statements depending on the contents of this JSON file passed to the Lambda function through API Gateway. Different queries to our mySQL database are done based on the values of exact and whether you query a HUC or a region.
The final section can be seen below:
def return_json(cur, identifier, name, exact, time):
results = cur.fetchall()
data = {}
if len(results) == 0:
data['error'] = "404: Results with the specified {} were not found.".format(identifier + " " + name)
if len(results) > 100:
data['error'] = "413: Your query has returned " + str(len(results)) + " results (> 100). If you're searching a specific " + identifier + \
", use the parameter 'exact=True'. Otherwise, refine your search to return less results, or head here: to download mass HUC data."
return data
data['status'] = "200 OK"
data['hits'] = len(results)
data['time'] = str(time) + " ms."
data['search on'] = {"parameter": identifier, "exact": exact}
data['results'] = {}
if identifier == "HUC":
for elem in results:
# Sub-element of "results" is the HUC
data['results'][elem[0]] = {
"Region Name":elem[1],
"Bounding Box": elem[4],
"Convex Hull Polygon":elem[2],
"Visvalingam Polygon":elem[3],
"USGS Polygon": {
"Object URL": "{}".format(elem[0]),
for elem in results:
# Sub-element of "results" is the region
data['results'][elem[1]] = {
"Bounding Box": elem[4],
"Convex Hull Polygon":elem[2],
"Visvalingam Polygon":elem[3],
"USGS Polygon": {
"Object URL": "{}".format(elem[0]),
return data
All this does is fetch all of the results returned from the mySQL query and format it in a readable JSON format.
Note: Lambda functions support a maximum return body of 6MB. This means extremely large queries to 200+ HUCs will exceed that limit. I’ve caught this by redirecting users to the USGS website, asking them to refine their search, or by remembering to put “exact=True” if they forgot to.